Participated in public welfare exhibitions and was collected by a litter painter.

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Participated in public welfare exhibitions and was collected by a litter painter.-第1张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

The Hope  2021  propylene  30cm*45cm

Participated in public welfare exhibitions and was collected by a litter painter.-第2张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

Participated in public welfare exhibitions and was collected by a litter painter.-第3张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

Participated in public welfare exhibitions and was collected by a litter painter.-第4张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

Participated in 2021 shanghai public welfare exhibition 

Participated in public welfare exhibitions and was collected by a litter painter.-第5张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

was collected by this painter.

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