How to help the Patients with depression?

liana 313 0

I've been paying more attention to people with depression, and I've always wanted to help them. It is understood that at present, the rate of depression tendency of Chinese students reaches 24.46%, that is, one in four.

Status quo of psychotherapists:

There is no big market, and there is no channel for publicity. We can only do public welfare again and again.Becoming a therapist has a high threshold.The patients who come up are either already familiar with each other, or rely on individual patients and their friends to publicize them.Therapist resources are scarce, and the domestic field is developing slowly. For example, there is only one specialized art therapy institution in Hangzhou.

What can I do to help depressed patients instead of psychotherapists?

Methods of artistic healing:

Use the egg twister, open the egg twister, take out the pieces of paper and small material bags inside, complete the art therapy activities on the pieces of paper, and then record the experience in the notebook next to the egg twister.

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How to help the Patients with depression?-第2张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

How to help the Patients with depression?-第3张图片-my blog - Good Luck To You!

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